About the Coalition
Healthy soil creates strong foundations.
Strong foundations on the farm by building soil structure and soil organic matter, increasing water infiltration, and improving overall resiliency. Strong foundations in human health by growing healthy plants and animals on the land. Strong foundations in the environment by reducing soil erosion, nutrient and pesticide runoff, capturing atmospheric carbon and creating habitat for beneficial species.
It has more far-reaching impacts than we can imagine, and practitioners continue to reveal the value of investing in and caring for this deeply precious resource.
For many years, numerous organizations throughout Pennsylvania have been promoting best management practices that improve soil health. As a result of these efforts, PA is a national leader in the adoption of no-till and cover crop practices.
Based on the 2017 Census of Agriculture, Pennsylvania is third in the nation with 37.2% of corn grain and soybean acres planted with covers. The percentage is even higher when including corn silage acres. We are sixth in the nation for no-till planting at 67% of all tillage activities.
In 2020, these pioneering organizations formed a coalition under the direction of the Stroud Water Research Center through the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation's Innovative Nutrient & Sediment Reduction Grant.
Linking these organizations together will combine educational efforts and research from several different perspectives and expertise to more efficiently advocate for soil health practices across the state, and ultimately, to reduce sediment & nutrients that runoff into local waterways.
By joining forces, the coalition will:
COMMUNICATE better with others about their individual projects and findings;
COLLABORATE together to identify key opportunities;
EDUCATE a broader audience invested in soil health, with quality outreach efforts.​

Lisa Blazure
Coalition Coordinator
Soil Health Coordinator, Stroud Water Research Center